What is social media marketing? | Propel
Social media marketing
Social Media Marketing

Everything You Should Know About Social Media Marketing

Digital media leads the advertising world and marketers are relying on social media channels to reach out to their potential customers and promote their products & services. But what is social media marketing? How can you formulate a marketing strategy that can drive leads and accelerate your sales? Read the article to know more!

Everything You Should Know About Social Media Marketing

Today, the US owns the largest social media advertising market, amounting to a whopping 72 billion dollars. With digital media leading the advertising world, marketers have relied on various social media channels to reach out to their potential customers and promote their products and services.

But what is social media marketing? How can you formulate a marketing strategy that can drive leads and accelerate your sales? This article delves into the concept of social media marketing and shares its pros and cons for your business. If you want to know how you can leverage your social media marketing skills, read along to know more!

What is Social Media Marketing?

An integral aspect of digital marketing, social media marketing involves using different social media channels, platforms and applications to connect with the potential audience and drive traffic to the company's website. Marketers also use social media to build a brand, increase visibility of products and services and build a community of followers.

The main essence of using social media lies in forming a connection with the audience and helping them know what the brand stands for and what it brings to its customers. Social media marketing differs from traditional marketing as it promotes two-way communication between the company and its users.

With a host of social media channels to choose from, companies need to decide on the platform they can use to reach their audience. Companies, nowadays, often design multichannel messages which they transmit through all the available social media channels.

Thus, they use the attractive and beneficial elements of all the channels and reach consumers while making the brand more visible in the digital marketing playground. Delivering the right message through the right challenge goes a long way in eliciting the right response from the audience.

When you partner with the best marketing automation agency in the US, you gain a significant advantage over your competitors in terms of streamlining and organizing your marketing efforts. But social media marketing goes much beyond simply posting company content all day. It includes content planning and creation, social media advertising, content scheduling and publishing, social listening, community management, diving deep into social media analytics, etc.

How Does Social Media Marketing Work?

Social media is the ideal place to launch your marketing campaigns. It is the place to express your brand's value, connect with your prospective audience and fine-tune your marketing strategies.

How Does Social Media Marketing Work

Social media marketing works as a constant approach and there are five key pillars that this marketing strategy is based on:

Before using social media for marketing, list your objectives and plan your strategy. Conduct thorough market research to finalize your strategy and the type of content that will secure the attention of your target audience. Find out which platforms will work best for you and the content format that will best promote your products and services.

Planning and Publishing
Being consistent on social media platforms goes a long way in building your brand. Publish your content regularly and open days for your customers to discover your brand and its offerings. Plan and schedule content much ahead of the publishing date and time and try to keep it a mix of different formats - blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc.

Listening and Engagement
As your brand grows on social media, you will witness increasing conversations regarding your brand. Customers will communicate with you by sharing your post, messaging you directly or tagging you in their personal posts. Listen to your customers actively. Thank your customers for positive comments and in case of dissatisfaction or complaints, offer immediate support and make things work out.

Analytics and Reporting
Keep a constant eye on your social media metrics. Analyze the metrics of various social media channels you use and compare them across platforms to find out what kind of content and which channels are working positively for your business.

Use Propel marketing services to find out in-depth information about your audience and make informed decisions when crafting your marketing strategy.

By investing in social media advertising, you can reach out to a wider set of audiences those who are not following you actively on social media. Target paid ads help you to display your ads to specific groups of people based on their locations, interests, preferences, etc.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

While automated marketing can simplify your marketing efforts and channel them to reap greater benefits for your business, what you need to start off with is launching a social media campaign.
Advantages of Social Media Marketing

Here are 10 ways social media marketing can be of help:

Builds your brand
It lets you post content that humanizes your brand. Through constant content creation, you can build credibility and reliability. Be authentic and tell your brand story through the right mix of textual and visual elements.

Connects with audience
Through social media, you can interact with your customers and build a community. Engage with them actively and understand their interests by identifying the trends that they are following.

Increases website traffic
You can send your prospective users directly to your website from your social media platforms. If you can market your product successfully, you can generate better leads and more inbound traffic to your website.

Improves search engine rankings
Through consistent branding on social media, you can get your brand higher on the search engine results page. Customize your social content and add a touch of your brand's uniqueness to get featured in top results.

Helps with customer service
A good part of your user base will connect with you on social media platforms. For every criticism, create thoughtful and supportive replies, providing practical solutions.

Assists in cost-cutting
Posting on social media channels is primarily free. So, you can make the best use of your organic content through such platforms. However, for even better results, there is always an opportunity to pay for promotion and launch social media ads.

Share competitors' updates
By monitoring your competitors' social media profiles, you can gain a lot of actionable insights. From analyzing their content type, you can understand their strategy and do in-depth research.

Displays industry trends
Through social media, you can keep track of conversations and stay updated with industry trends. You can understand consumers' behavioral patterns, overall opinions and emerging market trends and apply this knowledge while designing your campaigns and ads.

Connects you with collaborators
Social media platforms can open the door for you to connect with similar brands and companies. You can also pair up with influencers who share your brand's values and objectives.

Draws in talent
Using social media platforms is a great way to showcase your company as an ideal workplace to your existing and prospective employees. Recruiters often find the right candidates by using the numerous tools that come with social media channels like LinkedIn.

Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing

The best marketing automation agency in the US can help you out with organizing and analyzing reports of your marketing campaigns. However, there are still some disadvantages associated with social media marketing:

Potential negative feedback
When you are creating a social media profile for your brand, be ready to receive negative feedback. It can be in the form of unhappy customers or undesirable trolls whose aim is to tarnish your brand image.

Time taking
Social media requires consistency. Posting content regularly and engaging with the audience can be tough, especially for small businesses. You need to find the right time to post your content, monitor its engagement, interact with the customers and check the metrics.

A complex process
Sometimes, marketing efforts can be difficult to evaluate, even with the best marketing tools. It can also take time for your marketing campaigns to work and it might not always be feasible to wait to see the results.

Lack of buying intent
Most customers check e-commerce sites and search engines when they need to make an online purchase. Consumers interact and engage with the brand's content on social media platforms that have very low buying intent.

Relies on advertisements
For businesses that are just starting off, spending a lot of budget on social media advertising is not an intelligent move. They can surely promote their products by launching campaigns but spending money to flash their ads is not possible.

Security concerns
Privacy issues always remain a thing of concern when you submit all your company details while creating an official social media brand page. Many hackers target social media platforms and they can even harm your industry reputation.

When it comes to gaining rich Return On Investment, social media marketing is not that effective. The bitter truth is that for newbies in the business, social media marketing takes up a lot of time before generating actual revenues.

Doesn't work for all users
The way one consumer uses social media is different from another. So, even with a well-crafted campaign, you cannot target an audience of all groups. Researching and finding out about your users becomes important here.

How to Use Social Media for Lead Generation?

Through automated marketing, you can automate repetitive marketing processes and decrease your headaches. But how can you generate more leads from your social media marketing campaigns? Here are some tried and tested tips.

How to Use Social Media for Lead Generation

Improve brand profile
Fill out relevant business descriptions with the right keywords and make your social media profile stand out. Add a clickable URL to your website and include a clear call to action.

Add social proofs
Monitor your social media platforms for positive customer feedback and then integrate such reviews into your social posts. This will help you pay back to the customers and also gain credibility as a trusted brand.

Use targeted ads
Implement paid promotions and target your audience based on their online behaviors, recent purchases, demographics, etc. This way, your campaigns will specifically target customers more likely to get converted.

Participate in social listening
Check what people are talking about in your industry. Monitor the conversations surrounding your brand on social media and who knows, you might find your next user from among the crowd!

Create rich content
No matter how much budget you invest in social media advertisements, create value-generating content that connects with the audience and intrigues them to know more about your brand and its products. Share compelling and clickable content.

Design attractive landing pages
Your social media campaign is the gateway for your audience to discover your business. Once they are on the website, make sure that they have a pleasant experience. Design your website with the right mix of visuals and textual elements.

Offer incentives
Use lead magnets to encourage customers to share their contact details. Some examples of lead magnets include a free ebook, discounted coupons, interactive quizzes, free weekly newsletters, etc.

Conduct interactive events
Host online discussions and webinars to attract more people towards your brand's offerings. A live stream or a quick Q&A session is also a great way to promote educational content while remaining interactive throughout.

Get into sponsorships
Collaborate with companies, feature in shared events or get in touch with influencers who can promote your brand. You can go for organic partnership or use paid collaboration to spread the news about your brand further.

Make your social media presence by adding a personal touch. Be relevant, create content on trending topics and convey a human message behind every campaign. Personalized pitch makes your users feel special and it can convert them into paying customers.

Final Thoughts

Social media marketing is your spokesperson to the outside world. To get started, you need to understand how marketing campaigns work and know how to track the metrics. Choose channels or platforms where your target audience spends most of their time. And only then will you be able to gain visibility and drive sales.

But that's not all! Check your inbound leads and sales figures and analyze the reports generated by your key metrics. To gather rich data and actionable insights, choose Propel and use Propel marketing services. From consulting to report automation and data visualization—get all your marketing needs solved under one roof.

Keywords - social media marketing, marketing strategies, customer retention, customer engagement, marketing automation, automated marketing services in US

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