Propel - Marketing Automation and Growth Strategy Service

Scale Faster with AI-Augmented Lifecycle Marketing Experts

Are you tired of spending millions on customer acquisition but fall by the wayside when it comes to customer retention? It’s time to supercharge your game with our MarTech solutions!

Trusted by portfolio companies of the world’s best VCs and accelerators
Hear from our clients
Experts for most popular tools

How do we ensure success in the engagement

Engagement Success Image

Tailored Success Plan

Collaborate to pinpoint your key challenges

Create a custom success plan with a Gantt Chart for strategic wins

Handpick three top multi-platform experts for project success

Present a selection of profiles for your preferred choice

Regularly review project progress with you for optimal outcomes

What do you get

Access to a diverse pool of 30+ multi-platform marketing experts

A professional skilled in aligning business goals with a range of technological solutions

A clearly defined plan for addressing urgent issues

Continuous support and flexible resource adjustments at no extra cost

Propel effect

Propel's business success stories.

Propel helped Fenice energy in sales and marekting automation
Fenice Energy

Sales and marketing automation service by Propel

Propel helped Oneistox in marketing automation

Propel marketing automation helps in Edtech industry

Propel transformed user interactions for Plantix

Propel martech and growth strategy service transformed user interactions for Plantix & improved their customer retention.

Propel helped Livwell in growth strategy and marketing automation tool implementation

Propel growth strategies and marketing automation tool execution

Propel helped Eduployment in omnichannel marketing and marketing automation

Marketing automation & omnichannel marketing with Propel

Frequently asked questions.

Please go through the most frequently asked questions about Propel growth services. We are always available to answer your queries in detail as well.

Our service tiers, from Essentials to Premium, provide solutions for increasingly complex business problems, larger scale operations, and greater work volume, each tailored to different business sizes and needs.

Our experts are not just proficient in a single platform but are equipped with comprehensive skills across various marketing automation tools. This diverse expertise ensures they can adeptly address a broad spectrum of marketing challenges

We recommend considering your marketing objectives, the scale of your campaigns, and your desired level of support. Our team can also assist you in selecting the most suitable tier

Absolutely! You can adjust your service tier to align with your evolving business needs and marketing goals

We offer options for long-term engagements(1 month, 4 months, 7 months, 13 months), and also accommodate short-term or project-based needs without requiring long-term commitments