MoEnagage Customer Overview | Propel
Single view of the customer

Leverage MoEngage to capture a 360-degree customer overview and improve customer retention

MoEngage captures 360 degree customer overview and helps to improve customer retention.

Leverage MoEngage to capture a 360-degree customer overview and improve customer retention

Batelco (Bahrain Telecommunication Company) had a stockpile of business intelligence on its customers from its operations - but in silos. Putting such stakes across traditional, paid, digital, and free marketing channels is common amongst ambitious businesses like Batelco to scale their business.

But scalability comes with scattered data, usually in silos. It also reduces the visibility of the best-performing marketing channel and its growth potential. On top of that, these marketing channels have their analysis methods and business intelligence tools, which means you'll have to hire for each skill set, thus increasing costs. Customer interactions across the organization, like support teams, marketing, salespersons, and management, often provide surprising insights on customer behavior that gets neglected.

To overcome this, Batelco figured out the use cases and competitive market trends to get a single view of their customer data using MoEngage. It provided insights into customer retention & engagement and potential leads. As a result, Batelco restrategized to enhance decision-making across its products and marketing.

In this article, we will explain how to use MoEngage, a popular 360-degree customer engagement platform, to understand who are your loyal and revenue-generating customers truly.

Increasing the accuracy of your customer-centric efforts using marketing automation software


In the Growth Summit-2022 by MoEngage, here's what Aoun Raza from Landmark Group shares about why doing this is important:

"Most organizations with multiple brands under their wing need to learn about their customers – what they do, when they do it, and where they transact with your brand. We need to learn more about their behavior – for example, how a customer transacts between different average order values in different user journeys with your brand so that you can target them at the right time.

Thus, I think the main goal is always – increased conversion rates.

And I think the focus needs to be the customer. A customer-centric organization needs to work towards that objective."

- Aoun Raza | Landmark Group

Hence, MoEngage provides an accurate real-time lens to learn from your customer data. Using the user and event properties, marketers and sales teams can serve the right product or service to the right customer at the right time – thus, ultimately increasing conversion.

MoEngage enables the 360-degree customer overview for your growth strategy.


MoEngage offers AI-driven contextual insights on customer data. It enables you to manage and analyze multiple customer retention and engagement channels, including push notifications, email campaigns, A/B testing, segmentation, and more.

Typical engagement analytics and automation tools focus on optimizing campaign specifics. But MoEngage's philosophy is to help you optimize for customer-centricity - the only way to build a recurring customer base.

Various teams in an organization can gain a 360-degree overview of the customer using MoEngage -

  • For Product teams – map omnichannel customer journeys and campaigns.
    For example, Pro360 is one of the largest Taiwanese lead generation firms. They used MoEngage to save time in omnichannel marketing and management. They also customized the campaigns based on the customer journey to achieve 2.6X growth in subscribers.
  • For marketing teams – predict every customer's next move.
    For example, Speedi is a leading Saudi Arabian eCommerce company. They integrated online (CRM) and offline (Point-of-Sale) data and segmented their customers using MoEngage. Based on these profiles, they enabled personalized engagement strategies. Doing so improved their customer retention rate by 6X.
  • For Sales teams: upsell/cross-sell to improve conversion rates.
    For example, Rentmojo is a popular Indian home-furnishing rental service. They used MoEngage to deploy contextual and personalized communication across its marketing channels. They could upsell products based on customer behavior and target them using the right channel at the right time. It improved the purchase rate by 20%.

Across these use cases, you will notice how MoEngage empowers you to optimize your marketing spending. It improves your targeting accuracy across marketing channels. Thus, a 360-overview customer data platform improves your revenues and ROI on marketing expenses.

What's next in customer retention after a 360-degree view of customers?

After hitting a plateau with efforts on customer acquisition via various marketing channels, organizations need to grow from here. You have to improve customer retention.

You can get started by gaining insights into your customer data to find such loyal customers. But not all data is equally valuable. Thus, as the first step, it's important to use a 360-degree overview to identify the top 20% of customers. These are the ones who will contribute to 80% of your revenues.

Here's a simplistic framework for implementing this using MoEngage 360-overview:

  • Bring all your data across channels in MoEngage.
  • Set benchmarks and calculate your actual key metrics.
  • Identify and profile loyal customers and major revenue sources.
  • Restrategize by experimenting with customer engagement tools. Then, double down on what is already working and fix what is not.
  • Continue tracking and re-evaluating your customer engagement. Optimize to improve key metrics and surpass benchmarks.

You can learn more with the Propel marketing automation service to understand MoEngage implementation for a 360-degree customer overview for your business needs.

Keywords - marketing automation, growth strategy, customer retention, customer engagement, omnichannel marketing

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