What does CPM mean in marketing? | Propel
CPM marketing

What is CPM in marketing and why should you care? Tips to increase CPM

CPM (cost-per-mile) refers to the cost per thousand impressions. This blog answers the question of what is CPM in marketing and explores its different aspects.

What is CPM in marketing and why should you care? Tips to increase CPM.

As per Statista Research Department, advertisers had to pay close to 8.15 U.S. dollars to get their social media ads seen by one thousand prospective clients. CPM in marketing represents the cost per mile that advertisers have to bear for one thousand impressions of their ads. While automated marketing is an integral part of digital marketing, CPM refers to the cost per thousand impressions. This blog answers the question of what is CPM in marketing and explores its different aspects.

What is CPM in Marketing?

With the onset of digital marketing, brands now have a larger scope and landscape to present their products and services to the world. The advertising industry uses the CPM metric to find out the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in terms of cost and the number of prospective leads.

Today, there are more than 2.64 billion e-commerce shoppers. At such a time, the digital marketing space offers an excellent opportunity for brands to secure the attention of both existing and new users. This is where CPM comes in handy since it casts a massive influence on brand awareness and brand recognition.

Before choosing to work with the best marketing automation agency in the US, companies need to balance CPM with their ROIs and closely monitor this metric.

A higher CPM generally reflects a more targeted set of audience while a lower CPM might lead to a decrease in engagement rates.

Importance of CPM (Cost-per-mile)

Enhances credibility:
To establish its authority in the market, especially during the early days of its existence, a company can raise awareness and create ripples in the industry through its CPM campaigns. This helps in drawing the attention of potential customers, sharing details about the company, its services and products and familiarizing the customers with the brand and its offerings.

Produces appropriate leads:
CPM is one of the most budget-friendly ways to target potential leads and enhance lead generation. At times, businesses target niche customers with their advertising campaigns. In such cases, CPM can be very effective in building a storehouse of leads, identifying potential customers and increasing conversions successfully. For a budding organization, CPM works exceptionally well to drive leads from diverse traffic sources.

Improves brand awareness:
When you attach rich-quality social media ad content to your CPM campaign, your customers start talking about the brand and the company visibility increases, thanks to word-of-mouth marketing.

With Propel marketing services, you can not only gain insights on what works well for your campaigns but also receive suggestions on what can be further improved.

Helps in budgeting:
CPM campaigns help companies to better manage their advertising costs and spend on only what is essential. Not only this. Through CPM, brands can reach a more targeted audience, so the probability of prospective visitors becoming paid consumers also increases manifold. Instead of paying a lump-sum for every click, businesses pay only for a good number of impressions.

Measures campaign success:
A trustworthy way that lets businesses connect with their consumers, CPM is a vital tool that tracks campaign success and evaluates a company's marketing efforts. Keeping the advertisement cost low, keeps the budgeting on track and assists in generating better ROIs in terms of earning potential leads and better sales opportunities.

How to calculate CPM?

CPM gives an estimate of the total ad expense while it measures social targeting, and brand recognition and evaluates the performance of the digital campaigns.

You can calculate CPM by following a simple formula. Just divide the total advertisement expenses by the total number of impressions and then multiply the results by 1,000.

So, CPM = Total ad spend/Total number of ad impressions X 1000

Before you use automated marketing to streamline your marketing efforts, you should focus on your CPM rates and concentrate on keeping them to the minimum.

Following the results of your CPM calculation, you can determine the most effective social media channels for your business and prepare your marketing strategy for improved quality of leads and better profits. CPM acts as an ad health check and helps you conduct a proper and detailed investigation of your social media marketing campaigns.

What are the factors that influence CPM?

Factors influencing CPM

Campaign time:
Not all seasons will be great for your business. Occasions such as holidays, new year, etc., influence your ad impressions and either increase or decrease them based on the product you are pitching via the ad.

Supply and demand:
Is your competitor offering a similar product at a better price? Do you observe a constant demand rate for your service? Your CPM rate will be affected by all of these factors that tell you about the eagerness of your customers to buy your product or avail of your service.

Ad format:
Today's social media channels are full of long-form and short-form video content. Rather than static posts, consumers now prefer to view ads that they can interact with to learn more about the product. So, whether you derive a high or low CPM depends a lot on your ad presentation and the format of the content.

Finding out the social media channels that work for your business is a crucial aspect of your marketing strategy. Prior to working with the best marketing automation agency in the US, you should study your audience and reach out to them using the platforms they are comfortable with. Understanding the target market and using particular social media platforms goes a long way in building a dedicated and strong community.

How to optimize CPM?

How to improve CPM

While knowing what CPM is the first step, brands also need to learn how to optimize the metric. Here are five simple tips to garner CPM success:

Invest in high-quality copy:
Make your brand memorable by creating attention-grabbing copy and designing thumb-stopping visuals. Work on your copy quality by ensuring that it conveys the message effectively while keeping the brand's voice and tone in its proper places. Understand your audience and use relatable and appropriate words and phrases.

Know the target market:
When it comes to unleashing the fullest potential of your marketing campaign, the first thing to do is to fine-tune your audience targeting. Collaborate with influencers, refine your message or identify the best channel to make your campaign work.

Choose an advertising tool:
Pick up a CPM software that can assist you with planning, monitoring and analyzing your campaigns. From segmenting audiences to creating personalized ads and acquiring lead information to generating ROI reports—an effective CPM tool can help you keep your efforts on track.

Monitor consistently:
Evaluate your CPM ads and analyze what's working and what's not for your campaigns. Calculate your CPM regularly, identify patterns and rely on data analytics to make insightful decisions.

Present your USP:
Create engaging ads that highlight your product features and solve customer pain points. Find out how your product differs from that of the competitive items in the market and focus on that through your marketing copy and visuals.

Final Thoughts

CPM strategies work best when they fit into the wider frame of business strategy. To reap greater benefits from CPM, businesses need to define their leads, decide overall business goals, follow up on leads and convert prospective customers into paid users.

For expert advice and suggestions on how to channelise your marketing efforts, take the help of Propel marketing services. From insightful information to value-driven data, Propel is the perfect storehouse for all your marketing needs.

Keywords - CPM, cost-per-mile, marketing strategies, customer retention, customer engagement, marketing automation, automated marketing services in US

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