The Future of Email Marketing: Automation Strategies for Higher Open and Click Rates | Propel
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Email Marketing

The Future of Email Marketing: Automation Strategies for Higher Open and Click Rates

To make the most of automation, marketers like us should follow easy but effective strategies to boost our sales and make conversions possible. Find out more on how to improve the key metrics for your email marketing.

The Future of Email Marketing: Automation Strategies for Higher Open and Click Rates

Whether it’s a small firm or a large enterprise, email marketing works for all kinds of businesses. According to The State of Prospecting 2023 report, 77% of buyers (mainly in the B2B category) prefer emails to other communication channels. While marketing automation opens up new avenues, implementing the right email marketing automation strategies is important. In this article, we will look into how you can future-proof your business and make the best use of automation to enrich your email marketing efforts.

Why is email marketing automation important?

Through email marketing automation, companies can automatically create and send personalised emails reaching their target audience through the appropriate channels. Apart from automating repetitive and manual tasks, automation also enables businesses to categorise their user base on the basis of their buying patterns, behaviour and purchase history. Email campaigns that are smartly designed not only nurture loyal customers but also generate new leads and prospects.

If you are willing to streamline all your marketing efforts, there can be no better way than email automation. A game-changer for all sizes of businesses, email marketing requires a strong automation strategy to complement your marketing efforts, boost sales and drive results.

Top automation strategies that are best for your business

Strategise every campaign

Before starting with email automation, prepare a plan of what you want to achieve through your marketing efforts. Narrow down the objectives and work on the specifics to improve the chances of success for email automation. Start with finding out your audience and understanding the demographics. Plan your email content well in advance so that automation can work well with zero hassles. Also, make sure that the automation doesn’t supersede the impact of personalisation.

Gather customer data

Customer data is a treasure trove for businesses. Through automation, companies can not only gain useful information about their audience but also craft very specific and highly effective campaigns. Customer journeys and data play a crucial role in creating personalised content and this can help brands to offer personalised customer experiences. By tracking customer activity, companies can understand how users engage with their emails and share customised content accordingly.

Categorise your audience

Your subscribers come from different backgrounds with varied buying personas and interests. Therefore, sharing the same emails with your entire user base might not be very effective. Identifying your subscribers and segmenting them under specific heads is required to offer relevant products and services.
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With Propel marketing automation service, you can get an end-to-end marketing solution including proper implementation and detailed analytics. Dig deeper into customer insights and get answers to all your pressing business questions.

Share trigger emails

Trigger emails are often sent depending on the users’ previous purchasing behaviour and actions. These are event-based, time-bound and are meant to nudge the consumers towards taking or not taking a particular course of action. The common types of triggered emails include welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, birthday emails, transaction emails, etc. For a successful trigger email campaign, you need to identify relevant trigger points, write a convincing copy and create a mobile-friendly design for your emails.

Implement A/B Testing

An important part of an automation strategy, A/B Testing involves sending out two different versions of the same email content to two separate audience bases. This is followed by evaluating which of the email sets performs better. The common variations between the two emails might be related to text, images, subject lines and other aspects. Companies should test multiple variations of the same email to find out which might result in the maximum number of clicks.


SEO plays a significant role in email marketing. While both are not directly related, SEO and email marketing together can improve your website rankings on the search engine results page. With the help of marketing automation, emails can lead to enhanced engagement. To make SEO work for you, you need to take note of certain factors such as sending personalised content to segmented audiences, using long-tail keywords, creating email digests, etc.
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Send drip emails

Drip email campaigns are sent to the customers to familiarise them with the brand’s products and services. Such campaigns include sending a stack of pre-crafted emails to the audience at specific times leading to sales and consequent conversions. These kinds of emails are sent at different times to different customers to nudge them towards the point of conversion. Drip emails are also effective in re-orient inactive customers to your offerings.

Tracking customer profiles

Companies can use the system of web tracking to understand their existing customers and respond to them effectively. To map your customers’ journeys, you can use multiple analytics tools and methods. Apart from that, there are numerous live web tracking software that allows businesses to see the real-time action of the users. Categorised under known and anonymous visitors, these results show you what pages your users are visiting and what they are doing on web pages.

Apply sign-up tactics

Targeted sign-up forms are a great way to focus on your subscribers and have them sign up on your website. With hundreds of businesses using sign-up forms, it is important to create something unique with an attractive and user-friendly design. As a crucial part of email marketing, businesses can follow a few tactics. This involves disabling generic pop-up content for all your subscribers and enabling pop-ups only for a specific set of users.

Design email automation workflows

Profitable automation begins with bringing about great workflow combinations. The most common combinations used by companies are a series of emails such as introductory/welcome emails, cart recovery emails, birthday/anniversary emails, re-engagement emails, etc.
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Final Thoughts

Email marketing has gained immense popularity, thanks to digital growth and technological excellence. To make the most of automation, marketers should follow easy but effective strategies to boost sales and make conversions possible.

Choose Propel marketing automation service and experience excellent automation at affordable rates. From data modelling and campaign analytics management to report automation and data exceptions dashboarding - our consulting services will make your business stand out from the crowd.

Keywords - Email marketing, marketing automation, customer engagement, customer experience, customer retention

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