How to improve click rates of email? | Propel
Email marketing
Email Marketing

A Scientific Approach to Improve Your Email Click Rates: A Step-by-Step Guide

Email marketing is the easiest way for brands to communicate with their target audience. But what if your audience is not clicking or viewing your emails? It can be a real challenge. This article solves the challenge of poor click rates with a practical approach.

A Scientific Approach to Improve Your Email Click Rates: A Step-by-Step Guide

Email marketing is the easiest way for brands to communicate with their target audience. Whether you own a small startup or a big enterprise, using email marketing strategies to discuss your products and services is a highly effective marketing method. By using the technique of automated marketing, brands can reach out to their existing and prospective clients, providing them with a glimpse of their offerings.

But how do you make sure customers click on your emails? We've prepared a detailed guide that will help you improve your email rate and make the most of your email marketing campaign.

But before delving into the topic, let’s do a quick recap of what is meant by a good and average email click-through rate.

What’s a good email click-through rate?
As per the study conducted by Mailchimp, the average email click-through rate is 2.91% and this statistic works across industries. A good email open rate lies between 17% and 28%. However, it changes according to the specific industries. While in 2020, the average email open rate was 3.5%, in 2021, it increased to 21.5%, across all industries.
By using marketing automation platforms, you can streamline your marketing efforts and also gain better insights into valuable data and information related to your campaigns.

Tips on How to Improve Click Rates Using Email Automated Marketing

Email marketings

Limit to only one CTA per email
Rather than adding multiple links to your website, stick to only one CTA in each mail. When you add one CTA, you increase the chance for your audience to click on your emails and arrive at your chosen website. Keep your CTAs short, direct and make sure you place them at a convenient spot so that you can increase the rate of email clicks.

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Optimise for all devices
Customers today access emails from desktops as well as mobile devices. When you craft mobile responsive emails, your content becomes easier to read both on desktops and on mobile phones. To make your emails reader-friendly, use email templates and make sure that the content of your emails (images, buttons, texts, etc.) fits the screen size with legible fonts and visuals. If you have limited knowledge of email designing, get in touch with an email service provider and create customisable templates for easy usage.

Have rich content
The language you use as a part of your marketing materials is very important. The words and phrases chosen reflect the way you want your brand to be perceived by your target audience. So, make your subject lines click-worthy and try crafting shorter emails with an immediate hook. Focus on getting one particular message conveyed through a single email. If you want to hire the agencies with the best marketing automation services in the US, make sure to do a thorough research and seek feedback from the clients they have already worked with.

Experiment with formats
Boring, repetitive emails are the last thing that your audience would be willing to receive from your company. Make your emails attractive by introducing content in various formats. Strong visuals, graphs, charts, videos, images, etc., can enliven your content and make it highly engaging.

Are you planning to partner with the best marketing automation agency? Great news! But do plan regarding the kind of format and content you want to be included in your emails. Going overboard is a strict no-no.

Remove distractions: Less is more
When it comes to creativity, less is more. Well, in most cases as it has a greater impact on the target users. Make your emails clutter-free, encouraging users to find relevant information easily. Keep your reader's attention hooked only to make them take the desirable action. So, club all the appropriate information related to your products and services and present it in a digestible format. Offer your readers only one goal in a single email and craft your copy, visuals, etc. surrounding that.

Do proper segmentation
Sending off mass emails with low or no email segmentation is a thing of the past. If you are still doing that, it's high time to stop and personalise your emails for each subscriber. With list segmentation, you can make more relevant offers keeping in mind user behaviour, buying pattern and purchase history. When you share personalised emails, customers' interest is piqued as they feel encouraged enough to open your emails and click through.

Work on email designing
How you design your emails casts a great influence on how your audience perceives your content. Use CTA buttons, your brand colours, relevant images, etc., to decorate your emails as well as convey the main message that lies at the core of your email marketing. Are you worried about how to introduce automation into your marketing efforts? Join hands with Propel and avail Propel marketing automation service to make the best use of automation.

Create urgency
As consumers, we hate missing out on the latest offers and grabbing jaw-dropping deals from the brands we love! So, when you create a sense of urgency, your subscribers are better motivated to act on your emails. Add a deadline to your email or the percentage of discount you are currently offering on your products and services. Make sure that you include these in the subject lines of your emails. When you let your shoppers know that they are missing something incredible, there are greater chances of receiving an increased click-through rate.

Add the option of social sharing
Allow your readers to share your emails. This helps you not only to get your users to actually read your emails but also to share them with those who can become your prospective clients. Add a social-sharing button to all your emails and witness your click-through rate picking up. If you are struggling with how to design your emails with the best content and appropriate images, collaborate with the best marketing automation agency and unleash the power of automation.

Finish it with style
The traditional saying goes - "All's well that ends well." In the same way, when you finish your emails, make sure that the conclusion has an impact and leaves your audience with the maximum value. Add your CTA at the end of the email so that users do not miss it at any cost. Reiterate your offer or restate your claim so that the last thing you mention in your emails stays with the audience as the biggest takeaway. Implement these quick and easy tricks and track the click-throughs with the help of efficient marketing automation platforms.

Email marketings

Final Thoughts

Time is precious. So, readers won't open or click on your emails until you secure their attention and can also retain the same. An essential metric for email marketing campaigns, email click rates are worth noting down. By partnering with the right consultants that can provide excellent marketing automation services in the US, you can unleash the greatest benefits of automation and witness your marketing efforts reaping exciting results!

Set clear expectations for all your email subscribers and experiment with the frequency and timing of your emails. So, keep this guide handy and get ready to increase your email marketing rates by leaps and bounds.

Keywords - email marketing, click rates, email click rates, marketing strategies, customer retention, customer engagement, marketing automation, automated marketing services in US

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