How to find the right audience for marketing? | Propel
Target Audience
Target Audience

How to check you have the right audience for your marketing campaign?

Zooming into your target audience helps you reach out to the right audience with your message. When you advertise to the right audience, the message gets delivered effectively and your products and services get noticed. Step up your marketing game with these tips.

How to check you have the right audience for your marketing campaign?

A target audience is a set of customers having specific demographics. No matter what your product or service is, determining the target audience is significant for finding out who should notice your campaigns. While implementing your marketing efforts is one thing, monitoring its progress and gaining valuable customer data is equally important. Herein comes the importance of automated marketing.

By partnering with the best marketing automation agency, you can not only track your advertisement campaigns but also create tailor-made campaigns based on customer preferences.

How to find the right audience?

You might be offering exceptional services or your company might have discovered an incredible product - but if you do not know whom to sell them to, then all your efforts go in vain and your company earns little to no revenue.

In today's business scenario, competition has gone online. So, placing your target audience at the centre of your marketing campaigns is crucial so that you can sell the right products to the right customers.

Be it a social media campaign or a paid television advertisement, knowing your customer helps you present your products or services to the right pair of eyes.

Once you have discovered your ideal prospects, the next step is to streamline and track your marketing efforts. With the Propel marketing automation service, you can get real-time data reports, make data-driven company decisions and offer an enhanced customer experience.

Here is a quick checklist for you. Keep this list handy and tick off items as and when you fulfil them. Follow the guidelines and find out your ideal audience in no time.

Discover Your Target Audience with 8 Easy Tips

Email marketing

Know your customers
A great place to find the right people is to start with your customers. Check their demographics - gender, age, location, tastes, habits, etc. What do they tell you? Use this information to create an ideal customer persona. Conduct surveys with your top customers to gain specific information related to your target demographic. This will help you derive insights into the behaviour or lifestyles of the group. Now use the survey results to create better recommendations for your customers.

Understand competitors
Identifying the competitors in your industry is a key method to research your target audience. If you see your competitors doing well, delve deeper into their marketing strategies and find out what worked for them. If, on the other hand, your competitors fail, research to understand what was lacking in their marketing materials. This study would help you gain a broad perspective on your set of audiences and express your brand's differentiation through your targeted ads.

Check analytics
Believe in numbers and statistics. Dig into your content, social media and website analytics and get instant access to a storehouse of information. Check who is engaging with your friends, who is commenting on your social media posts, who is subscribing to your newsletter - accumulate all this information and tweak your marketing message accordingly as per your customer persona. Join hands with the providers of marketing automation services in the US and accelerate your marketing efforts manifold.

Define who isn't your target audience
Discovering your target audience is one task and finding out who isn't your target audience is the other side of the same coin. Scan your reports on customer behaviour and discover who would not be interested in your products and services. Sometimes, you will find that some people are very close to your target audience. When you work with the best marketing automation agency, you will gain better results in your marketing campaigns and boost your sales as well.

Dive deep into social followers
Spend time on your social media platforms. Apart from posting and interacting with your followers, learn about the trending topics that your customers are interested in. Study how they are spending their time on social media and what type of content they are engaging with. Use social listening tools to find out the names of the brands your customers follow and engage regularly.

Create your ideal user persona
After having accumulated all demographics-related data, use this information to create specific user personas. Put together all the available resources and craft a user persona including the following details - location, gender, age, education, interests, hobbies, job titles, etc. Add psychological aspects of your audience and find out what are their motivations and aspirations. Share this mock profile with your marketing team and build marketing strategies adhering to the user profile you have created.

Do market research
Before you start working on your campaigns with the help of marketing automation platforms, take a look at the market and identify the current industry trends. Do proper research and check if there are any gaps in the market that your product or service can fulfil. This will help you frame your USP (Unique Selling Point) and position your brand and its offerings in a better way. In this journey, remember to take note of the potential market threats as well.

Whether you handle your marketing efforts manually or use automated marketing (which is the need of the hour), constantly revise and look into the data you have gathered. Interact more with your customers and gather more data to get an accurate understanding of your customers. Optimise your process of data gathering and create better personas which are closer to your actual audience. Evaluate your marketing performance, find out its loopholes, work on the same and evaluate it further.

Analysing Top 3 Brands That Nailed Discovering Target Audience

The 'Utterly Butterly Delicious' brand of butter gifted not only its excellent product base to the nation but also introduced its iconic mascot, the Amul girl. Thanks to the marketing team, the brand features in the Guinness World Record and it has always been able to target middle-class Indians while keeping in tune with contemporary national and international events.

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The top-tier American athletic footwear and apparel company, Nike has narrowed its target market that consists of users who love sportswear as well as athleisure wear. A high-end brand, Nike mostly targets male customers within the age range of 18 to 25 years. Nike also has a solid set of admirers who are lovers of sneakers and comfortable footwear accessories.

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The 2-minute noodles that stole everyone's hearts, Maggi is an emotion. Leaving aside its controversial contents, the brand has successfully targeted middle-class households with children and adolescents as the main customers. The marketing materials of the brand always have a touch of Indianness in them which applies to noodle lovers across the nation.

Email marketings

Final Thoughts

Zooming into your target audience helps you reach out to the right audience with your message. When you advertise to the right audience, the message gets delivered effectively and your products and services get noticed. If you don't target the right people, your message will fall flat and your marketing strategy will suffer hugely.

If you want to step up your marketing game, collaborate with the best marketing automation platforms and monitor your efforts and avail Propel marketing automation service. The providers of excellent marketing automation services in the US offer detailed analyses of your target customers and help you derive actionable insights from the reports.

Keywords - target audience, marketing campaigns, customer data, marketing strategies, customer retention, customer engagement, marketing automation, automated marketing services in US

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