How to choose the right marketing campaign | Propel
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Marketing campaigns can make or break your brand. Choosing the most appropriate marketing activities makes it easier to reach your business goals and gain a wider audience. In this article, we delve into the top factors (with examples!) that help companies opt for the right marketing strategies.

The Art of Customer Retention: A Step-by-Step Approach to Choosing the Right Marketing Campaign

The digital marketing industry is growing far and wide. It is predicted to hit the milestone of $786.2 billion by the year 2026. While automated marketing makes it easy to plan and execute marketing campaigns, what is more important is to understand how to select the right marketing campaign for your brand.

Choosing the most appropriate marketing activities makes it easier to reach your business goals and gain a wider audience. In this article, we delve into the top factors (with examples!) that help companies opt for the right marketing strategies and run successful campaigns, garnering more audience interest and driving increased sales.

Marketing Campaigns - A Brief Overview

Designed to promote specific products or services, marketing campaigns are particular efforts undertaken by brands over a certain duration of time. All marketing campaigns come with their own set of predetermined objectives - for example, brand awareness, sales boost, new product announcement, etc. They follow clear business objectives and are always monitored closely so that their performance can be evaluated in light of the investments made.

While there are several agencies that provide marketing automation services in the US, the best among them help brands to set up SMART goals and craft marketing strategies in accordance with that.

How to Get Started?
The process of coming up with an award-winning campaign is quite a bit long. But it’s an interesting one.

While big brands partner with top branding and marketing agencies to work on their campaigns, medium-sized and small enterprises often have an in-house team that takes care of their marketing efforts. The journey of creating an effective, appropriate and relevant marketing campaign starts by researching the target audience and understanding their philosophy of life.

This is followed by preparing the objectives of the advertisement and aligning the same with the values and mission of the company. The content present in the campaign should reflect the brand’s value and depict what the brand stands for as well as the ideals it believes in.

The final step involves drafting the campaign, reworking it with a set of collaborators, launching it on multiple platforms followed by monitoring it at regular intervals, noting down its performance during the day, the week, the month, etc. The insights drawn from a specific marketing campaign give you data and valuable information which you can use to craft future campaigns more effectively.

How to Choose the Right Marketing Campaign for Your Business?

When it comes to choosing the right campaign for business, brands are really spoilt for choice! Though creativity and innovativeness are encouraged, too much experimentation might backfire and lead the brand to lose its existing presence and goodwill.

Here are the top factors that brands should take care of when choosing the right marketing activities. We will discuss the factors in relation to some examples - the marketing campaigns that created ripples in the industry and went on to win prestigious awards for creativity and for thinking out of the box.

Email marketings

Business objectives
'There's A Playlist for That' - Direct Marketing
The 2019-famous hyper-contextual digital advertising campaign, Spotify's 'There's A Playlist for That' brought back the memories of using billboards as a part of advertisement strategies.

The top providers of marketing automation service in the US help brands automate their marketing efforts, reducing the scope of unintended errors. When applied online, direct marketing reaches out to the audience and targets specific individuals by communicating with them without any third party in between.

Target audience:
‘Touch of Care’ - Video Marketing
The story in this video revolves around Gayatri, a transgender woman who gets entangled in a special bond with her adopted girl and how she became a mother despite society pointing fingers at her ability to become a mother.

Through the deft use of a beautifully created video presentation, Vicks not only promoted its product but also upheld its brand as the spokesperson for all those voices that remain unheard due to societal pressures. Thus, the brand welcomes inclusion and makes an impact to reach out to everyone who deserves the touch of care.

‘Your Best Shot’ - User-Generated Content Marketing
Coming at low or, in some cases, no cost to the brands, user-generated or consumer-generated content helps prospective customers make purchasing decisions. It speaks for itself and assures consumers of brand authenticity.

The Your Best Shot campaign from OnePlus was the result of a collaboration with the International Photography Awards to organize a worldwide competition where the contestants were required to take their best shot and convey stories through beautifully captured images.

Marketing goals:
‘Butter Cookie Launch’ - Brand Launch Campaign
A common name that has been reverberating in Indian households for more than seven decades, Amul is one of the most creative brands in the FMCG industry. By launching Amul Butter Cookies, the company took to Twitter, developing product awareness and driving more sales immediately.

Even if automated marketing is the preferred choice for your business, such brand launch campaigns are meticulously crafted with minimum investments and by aligning with marketing goals effectively.

Know the market:
Emails - Email Marketing Campaign
Simplicity and effectiveness - these are the two words that define Uber's email marketing campaigns. From its stunning welcome email to the more detailed informational email and on-time referral campaigns to the seasonal exciting offers - Uber never misses any opportunity to woo its target demographics. Clever and concise, Uber mails also use the same brand font and color to maintain high consistency.

In case you need help with marketing automation, use Propel marketing automation service and strengthen your marketing efforts today.

Brand visibility:
'Voice of Hunger' - Social Media Marketing Campaign
Created by the expert and innovative minds at Dentsu Webchutney, the 'Voice of Hunger' marketing campaign helped the food ordering platform enhance engagement and increase brand awareness through user-generated content.

With more than 16 million social impressions, the campaign brought about a 2100% increase in traffic from Instagram to Swiggy's platform. By increasing engagement within its online community, Swiggy created a memorable experience for all food lovers.

Track results:
Smiling Partner Profile Picture - Moment Marketing
Remember the smiling profile picture across Zomato's social media platforms? Well, as one of the top food delivery platforms in India, the company often communicates through memes and gifs with its loyal customer base.

The brand stole the show when Sonu, a food delivery partner, was spotted smiling in a TikTok video while talking about his job. The brand monitored the virality of the image and went on to use it to receive applause from all users.

Final Thoughts

Marketing campaigns can make or break your brand. What you put out there as a part of your advertising endeavors determines your brand's personality, shapes your brand's voice and makes you stand apart from your competitors in the same industry. Therefore, your marketing campaigns should be unique and relevant, reflecting the USP of your products and services.

Are you wondering how to generate more revenue by unlocking insightful information from customer data? Partner with Propel, one of the leading providers of services related to growth strategy and customer data management. Avail the Propel marketing automation service and witness your business scaling greater heights!

Keywords - marketing campaign, automated marketing services in US, marketing automation, customer retention, customer engagement, marketing strategy

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