How WhatsApp Delivery is Tracked? | Propel
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WhatsApp Delivery Rate

A Comprehensive Guide to Check Delivery Rates for Your WhatsApp Marketing Campaign

WhatsApp is becoming an essential tool for businesses to engage with their customers directly and efficiently. But one crucial aspect that can significantly impact the campaign's success is the delivery rate. Learn how you can improve delivery rates of WhatsApp campaigns.

A Comprehensive Guide to Check Delivery Rates for Your WhatsApp Marketing Campaign

WhatsApp is becoming an essential tool for businesses to engage with their customers directly and efficiently. WhatsApp is one of the best channels for businesses to establish an interactive and real-time relationship with their customers. Running marketing campaigns on WhatsApp can yield impressive results, but one crucial aspect that can significantly impact the campaign's success is the delivery rate.

What is the delivery rate for a WhatsApp campaign?

The delivery rate indicates the percentage of messages that successfully reach the recipients. In this blog, we will dive into various aspects of checking delivery rates for a WhatsApp marketing campaign, exploring various factors that affect delivery rates and providing actionable insights to improve them.

Before delving into the intricacies of checking delivery rates, it's essential to understand the different message statuses in WhatsApp. WhatsApp provides three primary message statuses:

  1. Sent: This status means that the message has been sent from your end but hasn't yet reached WhatsApp's servers for delivery
  2. Delivered: The message has successfully reached WhatsApp's servers and has been delivered to the recipient's device.
  3. Read: When the recipient opens and reads the message, the status changes to "Read"

How are WhatsApp Delivery Rates Calculated?

To measure the delivery rate accurately, you need to track the "Sent" and "Delivered" messages. The delivery rate is calculated using the formula:

Delivery Rate = (Number of Delivered Messages / Number of Sent Messages) * 100

Keep in mind that the delivery rate only includes the messages that have been sent, not the total number of contacts you attempted to send the messages to.

How are WhatsApp delivery status tracked and how to improve delivery rates?

The delivery status is tracked through a combination of messaging protocols and server-side acknowledgments. The marketing automation platforms or analytics tools have integrated the WhatsApp Business API with the analytics platform which enables them to track the delivery status of WhatsApp campaigns.

The WhatsApp Business API provides a programmatic way to send and receive messages, as well as access delivery status information.

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Here's a step-by-step guide on how WhatsApp delivery status is tracked on an automated marketing tools:

  1. Set up WhatsApp Business API Account
    To start tracking delivery status, you need a WhatsApp Business API account. You can apply for a WhatsApp Business API account through the official WhatsApp Business API website and follow the verification process.

  2. Integrate WhatsApp Business API with Analytics Tool
    Once you have a WhatsApp Business API account, you'll need to integrate it with your chosen analytics tool. The analytics tool should support integration with the WhatsApp Business API or have an API that allows you to fetch delivery status data.

  3. Sending Messages with Message Template
    For every new message that you create for the campaign, it needs to be approved as per the WhatsApp guidelines and it becomes a WhatsApp-approved template.

    Message templates are pre-approved message formats that provide a higher chance of successful delivery. These templates can be used for specific use cases like order confirmations, shipping updates, appointment reminders, etc. You can build the templates and automate them to be sent at a particular time or customer action.

  4. Send Messages with the WhatsApp Business API
    Use the WhatsApp Business API to send messages programmatically using the approved message templates. The API returns a message ID for each sent message. The analytics or automated marketing tools also collect this data to check the performance of the campaign.

    WhatsApp has strict guidelines against spam messages. It is important to avoid sending identical messages to multiple contacts in a short period, as this may trigger WhatsApp's anti-spam measures, leading to temporary or permanent restrictions on message delivery. Instead, personalization of messages and adding limits to the messages sent per minute creates a natural flow of communication.

    The content of your messages also plays a significant role in delivery rates. Using excessive capitalization, emojis, or special characters can trigger spam filters. Crafting clear and concise messages that provide value to the recipient is very important. The messages should deliver value to the customers. Furthermore, check for grammatical errors and broken formatting, as these can also affect the delivery rate.

  5. Collect Message IDs
    When the marketing automation tools send a message using the WhatsApp Business API, it collects the message IDs for each message sent. These IDs are essential for tracking the delivery status of individual messages.

    Once the messages are sent to the user, these IDs are checked to see if the delivery was successful or not.

  6. Monitor Delivery Status
    You can monitor the delivery status of each message using the analytics or marketing automation tool. The tool provides a way to fetch the delivery status data for the message IDs you have collected.

    WhatsApp Business API provides the real-time data of the delivery status and user interaction with the campaign.

  7. Monitor Phone Number Verification
    WhatsApp requires phone number verification for users to access the service. In some cases, if the users have not completed their verification process, then it could lead to undelivered messages. Monitoring the verification status of the contacts and identifying any patterns of non-verification becomes very crucial to have a healthy delivery rate.

  8. Delivery Status Codes
    The delivery status of a WhatsApp message is represented by specific codes. These codes indicate the current status of the message, such as "sent," "delivered," or "read."

    The analytics tool interprets these codes and provides clear insights into the delivery status for each message. The codes are then used to calculate the delivery rate and read rate of WhatsApp campaigns.

  9. Real-Time Updates
    The WhatsApp Business API can provide real-time updates for message delivery status. This allows you to receive instant notifications when a message is sent, delivered, or read.

    Real-time updates help you track the progress of your WhatsApp marketing campaign in real-time and make adjustments if necessary.

  10. Analyze Delivery Rate Metrics
    With the delivery status data collected by the analytics tool, the analytics tool also calculates the delivery rate for your WhatsApp marketing campaign.

    Analyzing delivery rate metrics helps to assess the effectiveness of the campaign and identify any issues with message delivery. You can also run A/B tests on WhatsApp campaigns to quickly understand what is working in terms of content and messaging.

  11. Monitor Opt-outs and Opt-ins
    Alongside tracking delivery status, it is crucial to monitor opt-outs and opt-ins from your WhatsApp marketing campaign.

    Keeping an updated list of opted-in contacts ensures that you only send messages to those who have given their consent, improving your delivery rate and compliance. WhatsApp messages allows you to add an option of ‘STOP’ as a CTA to your message templates. If someone replies with ‘STOP’, they will be automatically opted-out from the list of users.

    Keeping a clean and updated list of opted-in contacts will help improve your delivery rate and avoid sending messages to users who are no longer interested in your campaigns.

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Final Thoughts

Checking delivery rates for a WhatsApp marketing campaign is a technical but essential task for any business who are looking to leverage this powerful platform. Understanding WhatsApp message statuses, implementing the WhatsApp Business API, handling opt-ins and opt-outs properly, and adhering to best practices can significantly improve your delivery rates.

Remember that delivering valuable and relevant content to opted-in users while avoiding spam-like behavior is the key to maintaining high delivery rates and building successful WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Stay vigilant, monitor your delivery rates regularly, and be ready to adapt as needed to achieve optimal results.

With the intent of improving user engagement and retention, Propel marketing automation services provides businesses across the globe with a scientific approach to target users and create highly targeted marketing campaigns. Connect with Propel, the best marketing automation services in the US.

Keywords - WhatsApp marketing, marketing strategies, delivery rates, customer retention, customer engagement, marketing automation, automated marketing services in US

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