Check engagement for Paid Ads campaigns | Propel
Paid ad marketing
Performance Marketing

How to check engagement for Paid Ads campaigns?

Advertisements are the visual representation of your brand. Your ads should reflect the values that your company adheres to and the objectives that it aims to achieve. Read the article to understand how to improve your performance marketing campaigns.

How to check engagement for Paid Ads campaigns? Here are 5 tips to increase engagement!

Engagement rate is the buzzword in the marketing industry. According to social media marketers, the engagement rate falling between 1% to 5% shows that the brand is doing a good job in promoting its products or services through its ad campaigns. But there is always room for improvement. And to make this possible through automated marketing, what is required is a proper understanding of the evaluation metrics of different social media platforms. This blog discusses the principal metrics that you should take into account while finding out the effectiveness of your advertisement.

Google Ads

Google ad engagement metrics

Top Metrics for Paid Engagement

It indicates the number of times your ad was shown on the screen of your user. This metric helps you find out the reach of your ad campaigns and their visibility. Since impressions do not always guarantee engagement or conversations, some consider it to be a fancy metric. However, it holds significance as a starting point for finding out campaign effectiveness and appropriateness.

Automated marketing allows companies to manage and evaluate the performance of their campaigns. But before that, companies get to know about their conversation rate through this metric. It is this indicator that gives companies the absolute number of users who actually took an action after coming across the paid advertisement.

This indicator evaluates the overall attractive quotient of your ads as it shares the total percentage of users who saw your ads and clicked on them with an effort to learn more about your product or service. A low CTR often means that you need to research your target audience once again or work on the ad copy.

Cost Per Click
All efficient marketing automation platforms will share this indicator that gives you more information about the cost incurred by your company with every click on your advertisement. The chief determinants of CPC are often your ad quality, your bid quantity and the competition level for your targeted keywords.

Facebook Ads

Fb ad engagement metrics

Top Metrics for Paid Ad Engagement

Perhaps the easiest way to understand how much a post has resonated with your audience is to keep track of the number of likes under your post. The more likes your post generates, the more relevant your content is.

Commenting on your posts is going a step further than just liking them. This gives birth to room for discussions and also generates user-created content where your existing or prospective customers share their views and perspectives in response to your paid ad.

When customers share your content, your brand visibility and reach automatically increase manifold. Your content, as a result, reaches a wider set of audience, which might not always be a part of your initial target audience.

Click-through Rate
This defines the total number of times your customers click on your advertisement and interact with its content - whether it means viewing the photo associated with your ad or playing the video that your ad contains.

Page engagement
This metric is very useful as it reflects the total number of actions your customers have taken on your Facebook page. As you promote your business on the platform, Facebook counts customer interactions and provides you insights on the relevance of your ad.

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5 Easy Tips on Increasing Paid Ads Engagement

Be it Facebook's carousel advertisements or LinkedIn's sponsored posts—Paid Ads, when used appropriately, can expand your brand awareness, increase visibility and shape your marketing strategy.

But since everything depends on the number of likes, shares and comments, it is important not only to spark engagement but also to retain that engagement and drive the conversation forward.

Here are 5 quick tips on how you can increase your engagement prior to channelising all your efforts through marketing automation platforms:

Understand algorithms
Algorithms are funny and harsh. Having the power to make or break your marketing strategy, algorithms play a crucial role in paid ad engagement. Whether it is the time of your social media posts, the content and format or the hashtag research, algorithms determine the fate of your campaigns. And since they are constantly evolving and a work in progress, you need to stay abreast of the latest trends and learn about them, updating your knowledge and applying it.

Boost posts
A common and foolproof technique followed by most companies, boosting posts improves content engagement further, getting more attention from the target audience. We all have posts that have garnered more likes and content that has gone viral or has sparked a discussion. So, it is important to pinpoint such posts after a thorough analysis and boost them to keep the ball rolling. This will ensure that the conversations continue and the content reaches more people at a fair price.

Know your audience
Even if you are collaborating with providers of the best marketing automation services in the US, it is important to segment your target audience and then create buckets of content catering to diverse needs. Make sure that the language and tone of your content align with that of the target audience. When you know your audience, you can also determine the kind of content required, the social media platforms to be used, the time of publishing, etc.

Produce valuable content
No matter how cliche it may sound, content is truly the king. Your content defines your brand, adds authenticity to your company and encourages the audience to trust your products and services. Research what your audience wants to know about and craft content on popular conversation topics. You can also keep an eye on the trends in your industry and find out what your competitors are up to in their social media sphere.

Schedule better
Scheduling posts is nothing short of a boon. However, it is also a science and an art. Know the perfect time when your audience is up and in the mood to engage with your content. Start with posting at different times and then narrow down your post timings based on the quantity and quality of engagement. Use social media marketing tools to make things easier but make sure that your response time is speedy enough so that the conversation flows on without any interruptions.

Final Thoughts

Advertisements are the visual representation of your brand. So, your ads should reflect the values that your company adheres to and the objectives that it aims to achieve. Ads secure the attention of your potential customers and help you convince them that your product or service can make their lives easier by solving customer pain points. Only through proper evaluation and analysis of your engagement can you work on your campaigns and improve them.

If you are in search of a reliable platform providing similar services, avail Propel marketing automation service and reap huge benefits for your business. Providing end-to-end marketing automation services, Propel partners with companies and shares actionable insights backed by detailed analysis.

Keywords - customer engagement, marketing strategies, performance marketing, customer retention, marketing campaigns, marketing automation, automated marketing services in US

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