Improve your Omnichannel Communication Strategy | Propel
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Omnichannel Communication Strategy

How can an Omnichannel Communication Strategy Go Wrong?

Omnichannel communication allows businesses to connect with customers & offer a wholesome customer experience. Read more for the do’s and don’ts.

How Can An Omnichannel Communication Strategy Go Wrong?

Omnichannel communication aims at providing a holistic customer experience. For a successful customer journey, brands must offer a seamless and user-friendly experience with zero disruptions and disturbances. Though omnichannel users make up only 7% of the total customers, they generate 27% of the sales!

When customer retention is crucial for businesses to thrive and prosper, an omnichannel communication strategy can increase conversion rates and provide an impeccable purchasing experience.

This article looks at the causes of failed omnichannel communication strategies and solutions to improve things.

Zero cohesion
There is a very significant thing that companies need to get right when starting with omnichannel communication. This is syncing the content across diverse channels and focusing on promoting a language framework that appropriately reflects the vision, mission, and values that the company stands for.

When messages across various channels display cohesiveness, customers show brand loyalty. Building and maintaining consistency in language and messaging goes a long way in providing a seamless and pleasurable customer experience.

Inconsistent customer servicing
Retention marketing involves targeting marketing towards existing customers so that they remain loyal patrons of the company. But customer service can become a giant obstacle when a brand chooses omnichannel communication.

Customer Servicing

Companies with poor customer service suffer from repetitive messaging, leading to high customer attrition. To fix this, brands can develop a unified omnichannel customer service solution to resolve customer queries effectively and within the minimum time.

Channel issues
Companies that employ omnichannel communication often face two issues - they choose the wrong channels or adopt a 'one-size-fits-all' content plan. Selecting the right channels is crucial as it helps brands reach potential customers.

This starts with identifying the demographics and finding out the right channels. Promoting products and services on specific channels yields better results than creating generic content for multiple channels.

Not using customer data
Customer data is a gold mine for companies. For omnichannel marketing, ignoring customer data means a limited knowledge of the customers' buying patterns, preferences, purchasing history, etc. To reap the benefits of omnichannel communication, brands need to dive into the customer data, flush out the obsolete ones and use the available information.

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Incorrect metrics
When it comes to measuring the success of a particular campaign, sometimes brands make the mistake of considering only the sales and the conversion rates. Companies miss evaluating the user experience throughout the buying journey. As a result, the overall experience of the customer, from the time they discover the brand to the ultimate purchase, gets unnoticed.

To combat this, brands should follow a top-down approach, analyzing the performance of each stage of the marketing campaign and then combining those evaluations to create the bigger picture.

Lack of clear branding
Branding is what makes or breaks a company. No matter how strong the product range or the list of services is, a company cannot stand against its competitors unless it develops a robust branding strategy catering to its target audience. To make omnichannel communication work, companies must have cohesive brand messaging in place.

Good Branding Practices

With inconsistent branding, campaigns are bound to fail, and marketing might not yield the desired outcome. Therefore, brands should create a single, unified message which should be reflected across all communications.

Generic content
A good part of retention marketing strategies includes producing content relevant to the existing audience. While creating rich content is important for brands, what garners more attention is when content is personalized to cater to the diverse needs of a wide customer base.

Users love receiving personalized notifications. A generic message sent out to them might not favor the brands. From emails to push notifications, personalization should be woven into the very fabric of brand communication.

Secluded omnichannel strategy
The success of omnichannel communication depends greatly on the active collaboration between different departments, such as marketing, customer service, etc. If there is no unification in the various departments' processes, the omnichannel experience is bound to get hampered.

So, creating an omnichannel vision is important to set up for its success. Incentivizing the relevant teams and drawing concrete expectations can bring a sense of commitment and drive everyone toward a common goal.

Irrelevant content strategy
Customer retention is crucial for businesses to thrive and grow. An omnichannel communication strategy does not mean tweaking a set piece of content and replicating it across all channels. Businesses often fail because their marketing efforts center around repeating content.

If an omnichannel communication strategy is to succeed, a company should create rich content that is customizable for multiple channels. And this starts with understanding the audience, recognizing their pain points, and creating content that appeals to them.

Poor implementation
A lack of definite goal setting, at times, can upset the omnichannel communication strategies. Whether it is to create brand awareness, raise customer engagement or boost sales, the omnichannel program must be implemented accordingly.

Implementation of Ideas

To do this, companies need to focus on one core area - something that it deeply values. The implementation of the omnichannel strategy should be done in such a way that it reaches out to active as well as inactive users.

Final Thoughts!

Consistency at every touchpoint influences customers to either stick to a brand or drift away from it. Through omnichannel communication, businesses can connect with customers using several channels but still offer a wholesome customer experience.

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Keywords - customer retention, growth strategy, omnichannel marketing, marketing strategy, customer engagement, retention marketing

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