From Lead Generation to Conversion: Unleashing the Power of Marketing Automation | Propel
Marketing automation
Marketing Automation

From Lead Generation to Conversion: Unleashing the Power of Marketing Automation

Whether you own a budding startup or the founder of a well-established enterprise, customer retention lies at the heart of every business. Want to know how to improve conversions for your business? Read the complete article.

From Lead Generation to Conversion: Unleashing the Power of Marketing Automation

According to Statista, worldwide marketing automation technology is predicted to cross $25.1 billion by 2023. With growing competition in the B2B market, companies are steering towards using automation to streamline processes, simplify mundane tasks and maximise marketing efforts. From lead generation to lead scoring, user retention and nurturing leads - with the best automation tools, companies can increase their revenues and also offer greater customer experience. In this article, we take a closer look at how to make the most of your automation strategy.

What is Marketing Automation?

It refers to the use of technology and tools that streamline your workflows, automate repetitive and mundane tasks and help you to simplify processes and systems. With automation, you can personalise your content, reach a specific target audience, manage marketing campaigns and monitor the effectiveness of your efforts.

Digital marketers use a variety of automation tools to boost email marketing, ensure a robust social media presence, streamline content creation and distribution, fuse marketing and sales efforts, etc. Through automation, businesses can not only skyrocket their ROIs but also offer an enhanced customer experience to their loyal users.

What are the benefits of marketing automation?

Email marketings

Reduce time and optimise efforts

Automation helps companies to save their precious time and focus on things that matter the most. From email campaign scheduling to driving leads - automation impacts and simplifies every aspect of marketing. This decreases expenses, saves time and accelerates companies’ performance.

Streamline processes

Automation ensures consistency across all marketing efforts and a seamless and hassle-free experience for users. By automating repetitive tasks, customer journeys are enhanced leading to better customer engagement and more incredible lead conversion.

Improved customisation

Companies can reach out to specific and targeted audiences by creating highly-personalised content, optimising it in the best way and delivering it to the right person at the right time. Such personalisation will positively impact your customer base and keep them hooked to your products and services.

Monitor efforts

A growing business needs a growth mindset. And with growth, it becomes important to scale your marketing efforts. Through automation, businesses can scale marketing efforts effectively and innovate new campaigns, bring in new audiences and explore new channels of reaching the right audience.

Are you willing to partner with a company to improve your marketing game? With the Propel marketing automation service, you can implement the best marketing strategy and work on science-backed data analysis. From getting in-depth information on customer insights to campaign analytics management and data dashboarding, Propel is here to make your marketing efforts easier and better.

What are the associated challenges with marketing automation?

Technology integration

Automation can give positive results only when companies work with easy-to-use and latest technology. And this is the most challenging aspect that creates roadblocks on the path of automation success. Only through the successful integration of technology and marketing solutions can a company reap the best results for their marketing.

Strategy and planning

Before you start automating your systems and processes, it is important to have a strong strategy and a detailed plan of action. Understand your overall goals, frame specific objectives and work towards the target. Having a blueprint is essential so that the marketing plan does not fall flat.

Data inaccuracies

Automation plays a crucial role in customer retention. With accurate and complete data, automation is bound to fail. Relying on numbers and data, automation functions properly and yields positive results. While verifying the accuracy of the data is important, regular cleaning and maintenance of the data is also important.
Email marketings

How to get started with marketing automation?

Email campaign

Welcome your new subscribers by sending them an introductory email. Start with simple emails and then move on to using more sophisticated templates. Craft interesting and enriching emails with intriguing subject lines and content. Customise your email content as per the preferences and choices of your customers. Make sure that you are not spamming your subscribers or sending too much-unwanted content.


Perhaps automation has the best usecase for sending regular reminders to your user base. From nudging customers to explore your latest products and services to direct them on their customer journey, automated reminders bring customers back to your website and share with them what your company has been up to. Whether it is a reminder for grabbing the latest available discount spree or sharing festive-related deals, a timely automated reminder does the work wonderfully.

If you are struggling with planning and implementing the best practices for business automation, get in touch with Propel today! Avail Propel marketing automation service and make your company stand out from the crowd. Transform your ideas into full-fledged plans and strategies and make insightful decisions based on our detailed analysis of your user base.

Engagement content

While acquiring new customers is crucial, it is also important to maintain a cordial relationship with your existing loyal customers. This is where creating re-engagement content becomes necessary. Start with targeting the customers who regularly engage and then move on to the inactive customers. Share a note of thanks with them, a heartfelt message or a special discount voucher and keep them in the loop of meaningful engagement.


Email marketing and social marketing are great ways of reaching out to your audience and getting the word out about your company and its offerings. Churn out a daily or weekly email to your subscribers and share curated content to align your customers’ needs with what your company is delivering. To do this, make sure that your marketing efforts are strongly integrated with your chosen CMS.

Final Thoughts

Whether you own a budding startup or are the founder of a well-established enterprise, customer retention lies at the heart of every business. With the right tools and the right automation techniques, you can reduce effort and time in repetitive tasks, decrease the possibility of human errors, discover prospective users and offer an enriching customer experience. So, if you want to make your business agile and responsive, choose the automation best practices and supercharge your marketing efforts.

Keywords -marketing automation, customer engagement, customer retention, marketing strategies

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