Winning at eCommerce: Boosting Sales with Marketing Automation Techniques | Propel
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Winning at eCommerce: Boosting Sales with Marketing Automation Techniques

From shortening the sales cycle to delivering high-quality leads - automation gives a competitive advantage to companies who know how to work with it effectively. Here’s a guide to ramp up your eCommerce sales.

Winning at eCommerce: Boosting Sales with Marketing Automation Techniques

Picture this.

Your startup's growth is on the rise. With marketing automation, you are refining your marketing efforts and creating a smooth customer journey. But when it comes to sales, it ain't that impressive.

So, what to do now? The best way to boost your sales under this condition is to use automation solutions and target particular customer segments, reaping a high ROI overall.

As per Statista, 17.4% of marketers consider automation as one of the most impactful digital marketing strategies. In this article, we look at how a series of automation techniques can influence leads and make more sales happen.

How to Boost Sales with Marketing Automation Techniques?

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Know the customer

Automation goes a long way in understanding the behaviour of the audience and the purchasing trends or enquiry patterns. Suppose, a prospective lead has downloaded your free ebook and has filled up the form on your website, sharing further questions on your products and services. Automation tools will give you the best time to call up your leads and reach out to them. Thus, with automation, you can set behaviour-based alerts to find out the right team to engage with your audience.

Nurture leads

With automation, you can nurture prospective leads by sharing further details about your company's products or services. Here is where automation requires effective collaboration between multiple teams (marketing and sales, in particular) to get the nurtured lead converted into paying customers. With the help of automation, you will be able to track user activity on your website and its different sections. This leads to guiding the prospects to the end of the sales funnel.

Use email marketing

Automation, perhaps, finds its best use when it comes to email marketing. From sending the welcome message to connecting with the audience and sharing content based on their needs and preferences - email marketing helps in building a personalised relationship.

Thriving on excellent implementation and in-depth analysis of customer behaviour - Propel marketing automation service provides companies with a detailed and comprehensive solution to grow their marketing strategy and take well-informed decisions. So, choose Propel as your corporate partner today and achieve greater results for your business.

Identify quality leads

An automation platform can help companies determine the right time to approach a prospective sale. By using the lead scoring strategy, you can deliver points to your leads based on their interactions with your company's products or services on the website. The lead that has the highest score becomes the most sales-ready and has the most potential for further interactions. Sales teams depend a lot on lead scoring as it guides them to channelise their time and effort for the most qualified leads.

Maximise user lifecycle

You can also use automation to analyse user data. Whether it is tracking the customer journey or identifying purchasing patterns - automation can share detailed reports and graphs, helping you to improve your marketing and sales efforts. In addition to this information, automation also gives you updates about previous purchases, earlier interactions and lead scores. With the help of such data, your sales team can understand customers better and tailor their services accordingly.

Re-engage previous leads

As an integral part of customer retention, automation can also smoothen the path for your company to reconnect with the old leads and guide them to the end of the funnel. Reaching out to your once-upon-a-time active leads will help you value your old customers and boost your sales with even more attractive offers. Such leads require less time for successful conversions and thus, the sales cycle also becomes quite short.

Engage with users

You can use automation to build cordial relationships with customers too. Before initiating sales calls, apply automation solutions to decipher key insights from the initial stages of the buyers' journey. With automation, you can send triggered-based emails to your target customers and share relevant content based on the buyers' actions and behaviours. By following up on these emails with specially-crafted campaigns, you can not only nurture your leads but also retain them in the best possible manner.

Sync customer experience

If you wish to increase your sales revenue, you need to make sure that your sales and marketing teams are in sync with one other. Apart from using CRM, applying automation is also crucial to integrate your customer experience. If the marketing and sales teams are not in proper sync, then nurturing new leads and acquiring new customers is bound to get interrupted. Thus, with the successful implementation of the CRM system, it is also important to check the automation section.

Build a personalised website

A personalised website will always impress customers and influence them to be converted into paid users. It will boost your conversion rates and also be the starting point of a pleasurable customer journey.

Propel marketing automation service gives you the golden chance to unlock your business's true potential and generate more revenue. From generating actionable insights to getting feedback on customer data to implementing growth strategy - Propel provides end-to-end automation solutions - all under one roof.

Apply multi channel tracking

In today's world, you can get traffic from multiple sources - websites, social media, newsletters, etc. To track all the interactions in these channels, you need to take the help of automation and customise your content based on the choices and preferences of the visitors. Automation will also help you craft triggered emails, track user data and increase your conversions gradually.

Final Thoughts

Today, 96% of marketers use automation tools to grow their businesses. Businesses now build automation strategies that lead conversions and increase profitability. From shortening the sales cycle to delivering high-quality leads - automation gives a competitive advantage to companies who know how to work with it effectively.

As an integral part of customer retention, automation techniques can drive new leads through the sales funnel and initiate continuous and impactful engagement with the target audience to boost sales. So, what are you waiting for? Apply automation strategies to your business processes and systems and witness your company scaling new heights.

Keywords - eCommerce marketing, marketing automation, customer engagement, customer experience, customer retention, boosted sales, marketing strategies

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