We build lifecycle marketing intelligence!

Propel enables businesses to structure their lifecycle marketing and provide unparalleled customer experience.
We provide AI augmented lifecycle marketing experts with AURA, our AI-decisioning platform to help businesses set up and manage their user lifecycle!


Why We Exist

80+Clients Served
10B+Monthly Events Analysed
500+Monthly Lifecycle Campaigns
$5M+Revenue Impact created

At Propel, we bridge the gap in lifecycle marketing by integrating data science, engineering, and marketing. Our unique approach combines deep insights into user behavior, segmentation, and communication.

Unlike traditional IT or marketing agencies, we offer cross-functional expertise and a ‘data-curious’ mindset, delivering impactful campaigns globally.

Company Values

TrustOur clients count on us because we always deliver what we promise
QualityFor us, quality isn’t optional, it's what drives every project and decision.
OwnershipWe own our work, empowering teams to deliver results that truly matter
SpeedSpeed is in our DNA, we move fast but never cut corners
InnovationWe love thinking outside the box, finding fresh ideas that push boundaries
FriendlinessWe believe business should be enjoyable, fostering genuine, friendly partnerships.

All set to your growth?
